Dialling Code 04651

Map Westerland (Schleswig-Holstein)


The area code (phone code) 04651 is assigned to 4 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Westerland (Schleswig-Holstein).


All places (4) with the dialling code 04651

Dialling Code City
04651 Westerland
04651 Wenningstedt (Sylt)
04651 Kampen (Sylt)
04651 Rantum (Sylt)
Map Westerland (Schleswig-Holstein)

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 04651

  • 04651
  • (04651)
  • 04651-
  • 04651/
  • +494651
  • +49 (4651)
  • +49-4651
  • +49 (0) 4651
  • 00494651
  • 0049 (0) 4651

Calling from abroad to Westerland

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Westerland. So you can dial +494651... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Westerland?

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Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 04652
List, Sylt
Dialling Code 04653
Hörnum (Sylt)
Dialling Code 04681
Süderende auf Föhr
Dialling Code 04682
Norddorf, Amrum
Dialling Code 04664
Dialling Code 04681
Midlum, Föhr
Dialling Code 04682
Nebel, Amrum
Dialling Code 04668
Dialling Code 04681
Wyk auf Föhr
Dialling Code 04682
Wittdün, Amrum
Dialling Code 04665
Dialling Code 04664
Neukirchen bei Niebüll
Dialling Code 04661
Dialling Code 04849
Hooge, Hallig
Dialling Code 04661
Niebüll (Schleswig)
Dialling Code 04663
Uphusum bei Süderlügum
Dialling Code 04663
Holm bei Süderlügum
Dialling Code 04844
Gröde, Hallig
Dialling Code 04661
Dialling Code 04663
Braderup bei Niebüll
Dialling Code 04663
Dialling Code 04662