Dialling Code 039008

Map Kunrau (Sachsen-Anhalt)


The area code (phone code) 039008 is assigned to 8 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Kunrau (Sachsen-Anhalt).


All places (8) with the dialling code 039008

Dialling Code City
039008 Kunrau
039008 Jahrstedt
039008 Immekath
039008 Wenze
039008 Steimke, Altmark
039008 Neuferchau
039008 Ristedt, Altmark
039008 Dönitz
Map Kunrau (Sachsen-Anhalt)

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 039008

  • 039008
  • (039008)
  • 039008-
  • 039008/
  • +4939008
  • +49 (39008)
  • +49-39008
  • +49 (0) 39008
  • 004939008
  • 0049 (0) 39008

Calling from abroad to Kunrau

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Kunrau. So you can dial +4939008... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Kunrau?

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Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 05833
Brome, Niedersachsen
Dialling Code 039082
Köckte bei Gardelegen
Dialling Code 05833
Bergfeld, Niedersachsen
Dialling Code 039003
Ahlum, Altmark
Dialling Code 039006
Dialling Code 05836
Dialling Code 039000
Rohrberg, Altmark
Dialling Code 039000
Dialling Code 039002
Bösdorf bei Haldensleben
Dialling Code 05364
Danndorf, Niedersachsen
Dialling Code 05364
Velpke, Niedersachsen
Dialling Code 03901
Püggen bei Salzwedel
Dialling Code 039082
Breitenfeld, Altmark
Dialling Code 03902
Bornsen bei Salzwedel
Dialling Code 05377
Dialling Code 039057
Rätzlingen bei Haldensleben
Dialling Code 03909
Neuendorf, Altmark
Dialling Code 05358
Bahrdorf, Niedersachsen
Dialling Code 05363