Dialling Code 036605


The area code (phone code) 036605 is assigned to 2 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Bad Köstritz (Thüringen).

Bad Köstritz

All places (2) with the dialling code 036605

Dialling Code City
036605 Bad Köstritz
036605 Hartmannsdorf bei Gera

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 036605

  • 036605
  • (036605)
  • 036605-
  • 036605/
  • +4936605
  • +49 (36605)
  • +49-36605
  • +49 (0) 36605
  • 004936605
  • 0049 (0) 36605


Calling from abroad to Bad Köstritz

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Bad Köstritz. So you can dial +4936605... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Bad Köstritz?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 036693
Hartmannsdorf bei Eisenberg
Dialling Code 036693
Crossen an der Elster
Dialling Code 034425
Dialling Code 036601
Tautenhain bei Hermsdorf
Dialling Code 034425
Breitenbach bei Zeitz, Elster
Dialling Code 034425
Schellbach bei Zeitz, Elster
Dialling Code 036604
Saara bei Gera
Dialling Code 036691
Eisenberg, Thüringen
Dialling Code 036693
Dialling Code 036601
Weißenborn bei Hermsdorf
Dialling Code 034426
Droßdorf bei Zeitz, Elster
Dialling Code 036693
Heideland bei Eisenberg
Dialling Code 034425
Weißenborn bei Droyßig
Dialling Code 036604
Dialling Code 036601
Bad Klosterlausnitz
Dialling Code 036604
Dialling Code 036601
Hermsdorf, Thüringen
Dialling Code 034423
Dialling Code 036601
Reichenbach bei Hermsdorf
Dialling Code 036691
Gösen bei Eisenberg
Dialling Code 036601
Sankt Gangloff
Dialling Code 036604
Bocka, Thüringen
Dialling Code 036602
Hirschfeld bei Gera
Dialling Code 036604
Dialling Code 036602
Dialling Code 036602